Monday, November 24, 2008


Okay, rather than write a short story, I just started the sequel to The Taste of Magic. It's tentatively titled Blood Treasure, although I suspect that'll change.

Anyway, I managed to get not quite 3,000 words, enough to tip my word count over 50,000 for November. I win Nano! And I have the first chapter and a half written on the sequel, which is a pretty good start.


Anonymous said...


Carrie Harris said...

Yay for winning NaNo, and how cool that you started a sequel! Does it have a title? I have some extras...

Jamie Eyberg said...

yippee!!! I can't wait to finish today or tomorrow. I am lining my up for a sequel as well. Twice as many explosions and three times the body count.

Strange Publications said...
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Aaron Polson said...

WHOOT! Hooray for you! I wish I had more than one novel in me. I'm such a sap for short fiction...

K.C. Shaw said...

Jeremy--thanks! I am rather pleased that I made it. :)

Carrie--only a crappy working title, which most of my titles are. Alas, I have no plans to put brains in my book, so probably your extra titles aren't quite what I need. Although if I get desperate....

Jamie--Body counts and explosions! I'm going to have to add more to my sequel too!

Aaron--I wish I had more short stories in me. I love writing novels, hate writing short stories.

Carrie Harris said...

Yeah, after I posted that comment, I noticed that you mentioned the title and felt like a goon. Durr. I really did read the post, I swear. ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

That's okay, it's a terrible title so I don't blame you for forgetting it. :)