Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hold on hold on hold on hold on forever!

Honestly, I think the second I submit something to a magazine, it stops responding to anyone. I shouldn't admit that I have this strange effect on editors. Other writers will start throwing things at me.

The editors, they taunt me with longer-than-usual response times until I think maybe I'm under serious consideration, and then I check Duotrope and realize there are no responses to anyone for the same amount of time! It's like the editors all fell off the side of the world. And then--rejection! And the whole process starts over again with the next magazine.

And no, I haven't received any rejections since Oct. 14. In fact, except for a hold request on Oct. 23 and an acceptance I can't tell you about yet on Nov. 6, I haven't heard anything at all about anything. Which is BOTHERING ME.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Last month seemed to be like that for me. This month I have been walloped with 7 or 8 rejections and 1 acceptance. the bad part is that this month isn't over yet.

K.C. Shaw said...

But you got an acceptance! Everyone always gets more rejections than acceptances, so I figure one accept is worth about 20,000 rejects.

Aaron Polson said...

I go through spurts of obsessive inbox clicking, thinking that an acceptance will appear if I click enough. Hasn't worked yet. acceptance you can't tell us about...(curiosity piqued)?

K.C. Shaw said...

Ha, you caught that! It's not as exciting as it sounds, actually. Although I do look forward to being able to spill the beans (as soon as I get the contract back).

Cate Gardner said...

Ooh, congratulations on the myserious acceptance. I've had a few rejections this month - November hates me. :)

Anonymous said...

Its too bad you can't get mysterious rejections. Maybe that would make them a little more fun, at least. I went through a hailstorm of rejections towards the end of October. Awful stuff, really. Just now recovering.

Carrie Harris said...

I honestly think it's a conspiracy. Honestly. And they're after me too.