Saturday, November 1, 2008

Two stories here, two stories there

Catherine J. Gardner found out before I even realized the list was up--I've got two stories in Every Day Fiction's year's best anthology. The post with the full list of stories is here.

It flummoxes me. I like "Bad Luck" okay, but I never thought "How My Sister Lost the Game" was my best by a long shot. In fact, I really didn't expect to get into the anthology at all. I have a tiny feeling that maybe they made a mistake, and the two slots I ended up with ought to have gone to more deserving stories.

Still, I'm pretty pleased. And while we're talking about EDF, one of the co-editors, Jordan Lapp, has won first place in the third quarter 2008 Writers of the Future contest! WOOHOO! Way to go, Jordan!

And speaking of Catherine J. Gardner, for that matter, she has a story up at Macabre Cadaver's new issue, "In the Dumpster King's Zip Code." And in the same issue, Jeremy Kelly has a story too, "The Crop Bearer." Both stories are awesome with a capital awe. You really have no excuse not to go over there and read them.

And I have written about 200 words on my Nano book today. Which is about 1800 words less than every single other person on my buddy list. Must...write...faster....


Jordan Lapp said...

Congrats Kate!

How my sister won the game was a totally unique piece, which was why we chose it. Prose wise, it's not your best, but there's something special in it nonetheless.

And THANKS!!! I'm bursting!

K.C. Shaw said...

I hope you go out and celebrate, if you haven't already! Actually, go out and celebrate again! You deserve it!

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for the mention, KC and CONGRATULATIONS again on your inclusion x2 in the anthology. I am every shade of green. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

I am every shade of astonished! :) If I could, I'd swap one of my spots for your story!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention and congrats on the acceptances! Huzzah! My Nano word count as of Sunday is 0. Yikes.

K.C. Shaw said...

Write write write! I hit the flow late last night and managed to get a few thousand words. I need to jump back in now before I forget everything I had intended to put in the next scene.