Friday, May 27, 2011

Look, it's a mid-life crisis car!

I...I traded my Toyota Yaris. You know, the car that I was going to have paid off in another year. And after that I'd planned to funnel the money I would have used for the payment onto my student loans. In my plans, I'm a responsible, frugal adult.

So of course I went and traded my car today. And got a Mini Cooper--you know, the car I couldn't afford.

It actually wasn't all that expensive. I got a great trade-in and it was a hail-damaged car (although repaired) so it was cheaper than it would have been ordinarily. My payment only went up about $15. Um, with a six-year note.

But it's beautiful. It's exactly what I wanted. And I am feeling very, very smug.

Green, with white racing stripes. Hell yeah.


Aaron Polson said...

But it's sooooo cute. And I don't use the word cute. Ever.

But it is.

I'm jealous. (congrats on the purchase)

K.C. Shaw said...

It pegs into the red on the cuteometer. :)

Paula RC said...

Well Done Girl! Life is too short and most importantly, you are worth it...:-)

Happy Safe Driving, K.C

Cate Gardner said...

It's lovely... Do we have a name yet?

And at least your mid-life crisis doesn't involve leather trousers.

Cate Gardner said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan W. Davidson said...

Looks good on ya, Kate!

(hoping comment doesn't show up as 'anonymous' due to recent blogger's Alan...)

LOL at Cate's 'leather trouser' remark.

Michael McClung said...


K.C. Shaw said...

Jarmara--Thanks! I'm about to go for a drive right now. :)

Cate--I wouldn't want to frighten anyone.

Alan--Anything deleted I always figure was a mistake anyway. :)

Michael--w00t indeed!

Richard said...

Sweet! Has the engine fallen out yet? Apparently they do that you know.

K.C. Shaw said...

Two words: four year unlimited warranty. That's four words; I seem to have lost my ability to reason from the CUTE.

Fox Lee said...


Danielle Birch said...

Very cool!

K.C. Shaw said...

Natalie and Danielle--Thanks!