I haven't posted in a long time. But here I am, using my old blog as a clearinghouse to get rid of stuff. I'm decluttering, and here are some things I want to get rid of. The best way to own these is to make an offer by emailing me at kcshaw123 @ pandagmail without the panda or the spaces. This is a panda free zone.
I don't care how much I sell these for. All I ask is that your offer covers postage, or you can pick them up from me if you're going to be in the East Tennessee area. If you want to come over to my house and point at things and ask if I'd sell them, I'll do that too. Most things will not be for sale but you might be surprised.
I'll leave them up until they sell or until I get tired of doing this and throw everything away. I'll also be adding stuff from time to time.
Item #1 - two signed Magic cards in a case. These are signed by the artists. Back in the mid-90s, we had to mail the cards to the artist for a signature, who would sign and mail them back. These cards are in good shape because they've been in a protective case in the back of a drawer for 20 years. Alas my youth.
Item #2 - a deck of Vampire cards. These have also been in a drawer in a protective case. Some of the cards have the original Jyhad backs. If you want to know if there's a particular card, let me know and I'll look, but be aware that if you ask I will look up the value. Safer to just offer for the whole deck. These cards are in good shape because no one but me liked this game.
Item #3 - small travel soap holder. I bought this for a trip and decided it was too big. It holds a bar of soap that's square and about half the size of a regular soap. No one owns soap this size. Latches with a satisfying click. (scissors for scale)

Item #4 - the baby. Found this in a piece of king cake and I'm supposed to put it in the next king cake I make for someone else to find. I will never make a king cake. It looks like there's still some icing on the baby but I can wash it off if you want. (pencil for scale)
Item #5 - A postcard from Dayton Ohio sent in January 1944. I do now know why I own this. The text reads in faint pencil: "Jan. 1, 23 1944 Dearest cousin Suppose you be surprise at this card Show you I haven't forgot ha How you doying kid I'm feeling fine working every night write again soon Love, Lydia B." sic sic sic everything. It's addressed to Miss Susie Ann Boles, Sparta, Tennessee and has a 1 cent stamp. It's postmarked 1-26-44 from Dayton, Ohio. This is the most boring postcard ever sent. I do not know who Lydia B. or Susie Ann Boles are. I have never been to Dayton or to Sparta.
Item #6 - Hello Kitty sunglasses. I bought these after I had to get my eyes dilated and had no sunglasses in the car. Worn once or twice. I no longer wear contacts so I don't need them now. Look stylish!
Item #7 - Toothpicks in a Halloween bag. I have enough toothpicks to last me the rest of my life, so here are some extra toothpicks that I put into a plastic ziploc bag with Halloween bats printed on one side. There is one (1) hole in the back of the bag now because a toothpick poked through. There may eventually be more holes. Please make a generous offer for this exciting piece of modern art. I can sign it if you like.
Item #8 - mystery item that folds. I don't know what this is. I thought it was a knife blade protector of some kind but it has a piece that opens up. It doesn't make any sense but it works and that's the important thing. NOTE: I have been informed that this is probably a bag clip, in which case I may decide to keep it.

Item #9 - two small plastic fish. Why do I have junk like this? Fish are not actually kissing but maybe? (pencil for scale)
Item #10 - metal shelf pegs. These are metal and heavier than they look. Package has never been opened. I can measure them for you if you want. None of my bookshelves are missing shelves or lacking shelf pegs.
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