Thursday, August 13, 2009

ew what am I drinking?

I've gone through like a gallon of lemonade in the last two days. I poured the last half-glassful tonight and looked in the fridge to see if we had anything to top it off with. My mom, who's one of those people who buys icky flavors of food that no one actually likes, had brought home blueberry-acai juice. I topped off my lemonade with that, and of course it tastes (and smells) sort of like I'm drinking medicine. Ew. Eww. Gag. I don't like to throw out food (or lemonade), so I'm making myself drink it. It also seems to be giving me a headache. Maybe I'm allergic to acai, whatever it is. I thought it was something spammers had made up.

As for writing, I got the outline sort of written for the new untitled project. It's going to change a lot. If it doesn't, it will suck as badly as my lemonade-blueberry-acai concoction. But I suspect it'll end up pretty good--or if not good, at least it'll be fun to drink. I mean write.

But Iron Chef is on so I'm going to forget about outlining and lie back to watch people cook.


Jamie Eyberg said...

I like triple D and chopped myself. How would that drink taste with vodka? It would have to taste better than what it sounds like.

Aaron Polson said...

If it tasted like that pink bubblegum medicine, I think I could handle it.


Some of the stuff we pour into our kids smells tasty at least.

K.C. Shaw said...

Jamie--It would taste best if you poured a glass of vodka and poured the lemonade-blueberry-acai mixture onto the ground outside. Then you could drink the vodka while watching the grass smoke.

Aaron--It tastes like medicine for, I don't know, lung worms. Although I do think adding pink bubblegum flavor might actually make it taste worse.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Maybe a bit of single malt would make it more palatable...

Jameson T. Caine said...

You and the lemonade! I am cursed with this...this...CRAVING for lemonade! I guess it's revenge for the Cheese Puffs thing. ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

Alan--pretty much anything would make it more palatable. Except pink bubblegum flavoring.

Jameson--I went around with orange fingers for WEEKS after the cheese puff cravings hit, and it was all your fault! Revenge is sweet, muahahahaha! Also pleasantly tart.

Anonymous said...

u make urself drink it even though it's bad? interesting, self abuse thing you got going there KC.

K.C. Shaw said...

I poured most of it out. I hate wasting food, though, even if it's nasty. I'll probably figure out a way to use up the rest of the blueberry-acai crud without throwing it out, too. Maybe if I put it over ice cream?

Cate Gardner said...

I bet your insides are all clean now. ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

lol! clean and stained blue.