Saturday, September 26, 2009

Scary stories and rainy days

I stopped by the post office on the way home from work, and my copy of the new 52 Stitches came! I can't think of a better thing to read on a super-rainy September day than a collection of scary stories!

Unfortunately, when I walked in the house and said to my mom, "Hey, look what I got!" she plucked the book from my hands and sneaked it away to read it first. But that's okay. I know where she lives.

52 Stitches, of course, is edited by Aaron Polson, and I'm a member of his fan club that Cate Gardner started. If you join the fan club now, you can beat the rush. :)


Fox Lee said...

Ooh! Maybe my copy is waiting for me back home : )

Cate Gardner said...

I'm waiting to order a copy on pay day, which is tomorrow. YAY!

K.C. Shaw said...

Natalie--Hope so too!

Cate--Yay for payday! You just reminded me I get paid this week too. Whew!