Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome, October!

I wasn't going to post at all today, because I have nothing much to say (not that that ever really stops me) and it's late and I just got home from work and I'm tired. But I've been acting awfully bitchy lately, so I thought I'd post and not complain or whine about rejections or tear some innocent writer to pieces.

Tomorrow starts October, my favorite month. It'll be my birthday soon, and then Halloween! It doesn't matter how old I get, I still look forward to my birthday (no matter how much I pretend I don't). The trees have already started turning just a little in the last week or so, and tomorrow morning it's supposed to be very cold--maybe even down in the 40s! I just hope the cold doesn't hurt the last red rose of the season that my red rose bush has been working on. The pink rose bush just keep blooming and blooming and blooming, but its roses don't smell like much. I value the rare red rose.

So tomorrow's October, and my mom is moving into a house right around the corner from me next week, and guy-who-looks-just-like-Alex is doing well, and Nano's coming up, and even if I don't get any acceptances this month, it's not like I can't write anything else. I've been working on the fourth weredeer novel and I think it has some of the best writing I've done in a while. And if no one ever wants to buy it, at least I can read it.


Anonymous said...

Sunny and *hot hot hot* here yesterday. Not so hot today, but it's supposed to be getting cool enough for me to spark up my fireplace by the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Well said. October is a grand month. Time to break out the outdoor firepit and the fall beer selection.

And...umm. Thanks for not tearing that innocent writer to pieces just yet.

seaslug_of_doom said...

My birfday is in October, too, also, as well. And Halloween is my favorite holiday. The rest of the holidays can go poop in the ocean.

Cate Gardner said...

I adore October and it woke up nice and fearsome in the UK with the wind howling and leaves dropping...

K.C. Shaw said...

Camille--I love hot weather, but it's fun to have cool weather and wind sometimes too. Fireplaces are cool!

Jeremy--no, no, I didn't mean you were the writer I was going to tear to pieces! I'm looking forward to reading your revisions! It'll probably be tomorrow, though, when I'm off work.

Seaslug--Happy birfday to both of us! Cakes or pies of our choice, all month long! For me, pumpkin with candy corn decorations.

Cate--Oh, I love fearsome fall weather! We call it equinoctal weather in my family. Enjoy it!

Carrie Harris said...

Halloween is my favorite holiday, and my son was born on that day, so I have an excuse to embarrass the bleep out of him now. :)

Are you dressing up? I admit, fully and shamefully, that I am. Heh.

K.C. Shaw said...

I'll probably dress up a little--I have an awesome witch's hat with black feathers around the brim, and a black and purple cloak to wear with it. I never do anything except hand out candy (and eat candy) on Halloween, but I still love it!

Halloween is hands-down THE best day for a birthday! Good job scheduling your son's birth! :)