Sunday, May 16, 2010

Inevitably, here we go

It's a lazy, stormy-drizzly-stormy-sunny Sunday afternoon. I have a chicken roasting in the oven, I'm sipping hot tea to help my headache, and the fan is blowing because it's stuffy in my room. It's an absolutely perfect time to write, which is why I'm researching Cherokee trickster myths for the urban fantasy I really dammit don't intend to start writing for months.

Actually, I may start the book much sooner than I expected. Adventures in Zoology isn't going anywhere, after all--I'm far enough in that I know I'll finish, even if I take a break--and the new book feels like one I would tear through with white-hot intensity once I started. Without really meaning to work on it, I've somehow amassed many pages of notes on Cherokee myths and history, Nordic myths about trolls, and trickster legends from many lands. Now I need a detailed map of Knoxville, because I plan to set the book in the Real! World! OMG!

I'm pretty sure my main character's name is Ivy (I've been itching to use that name since I started Bell-Men last fall). I know the first two important scenes in detail and how they'll kick off the plot and two important subplots. As soon as I figure out what happens next--that is, why Ivy gets the job she's going to be interviewing for in the opening scene, and how her friend's new club the Trickster Society ties in with the main plot--I suspect I'll have to start writing. There are worse fates, hey.

Hmm, The Trickster Society has a nice ring to it as a working title.


Danielle Birch said...

I love The Trickster Society. Hope your headache is better now.

Fox Lee said...

Headaches suck : P Hope yours leaves soon!

Alan W. Davidson said...

The Trickstrer Society doesn't sound like a bunch of old ladies sittting around sipping tea out of China cups.

K.C. Shaw said...

Danielle and Natalie--Thanks, my poor head is just fine now. All it took was two aspirin and some caffeine. :)


Jamie Eyberg said...

Glad you headache is gone (I hope it hasn't come back.)

Cate Gardner said...

I'm loving that title almost as much as I love 'Evil Outfitters, Ltd'.

Aaron Polson said...

Can I join?

I'll practice my trickstering. Promise.

K.C. Shaw said...

Jamie--So far I've kept it at bay with massive amounts of dark chocolate.

Cate--Considering that you're the queen of awesome titles, I'm thrilled you like this one!

Aaron--Sure! You can be Puck. :)

Carrie Harris said...

Sounds awesome. I hope that headache goes away so you can continue...should I be saying that, or am I being a bad influence again? ;)

K.C. Shaw said...

I don't think you're being a bad influence. At least, not any more than usual. :)

Anonymous said...

I've researched Cherokee myths before and found less info than I like. Beware Cherokee Indian internet chat rooms. They get easily offended when you start messing with their myths and their ancestors. I learned the hard way. *hangs head in shame*

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm not a fan of chat rooms of any kind, so I probably won't visit. :)

I'm only using trickster myths, primarily--nothing that would touch more deeply on important cultural stories. I was surprised to find out that all those Brer Rabbit stories are actually Cherokee in origin, incidentally.

Richard said...

Hmmm... isn't Ivy one of the main characters (ooo, vampire!) in another UF series? Bad mojo.