I've been meaning to post all week and haven't had time to do it justice. But here it is! It's a contest for a copy of Pill Hill Press's Leather, Denim & Silver: Legends of the Monster Hunter anthology. If you win, you also get this awesome little rubber stamp that I had made specially years ago, of the Underwood Deviled Ham devil logo*. One-of-a-kind! (Well, actually, the lady who made it for me liked it so much she made herself one, so it's two-of-a-kind. But that was like ten years ago and I bet she's lost hers.)
To Enter: Email me your name at kcshaw123 [at] gmail [dotcom] and I'll put an entry in the hat for you. One entry per person. The contest runs all week. I'll draw a name on Friday, May 13, because giving away a devil stamp and a copy of a monster hunter antho is an appropriate action for Friday the 13th.
I've been reading the anthology and it's awesome--excellent stories full of mayhem, blood, guts, horror both gooey and psychological, steampunk battles, hard choices, things with tentacles and fangs, and one fine story by me. There are thirty stories in the anthology, which as you can see from the picture is enormous. Definitely a coffee-table book. :)
[While I've got you all here, I can't stop myself from mentioning that I'm running a sale at my etsy shop. Enter MAYFLOWERS when you check out and you get 25% off your order!]
*Please Mr. Underwood Deviled Ham Company, do not sue me. I quite like your deviled ham and eat it all the time.
Excellent prizes.
I think so. :)
I love that cover. The paw print would make a great tattoo!
Then you could be an urban fantasy heroine!
I've submitted to the sequel, 'The Trigger Reflex'. Are you planning on doing something for that one, too?
(Also I'm not gonna enter the contest as it's a real pain in the tookus to mail stuff overseas on the off chance I win. I'll just buy it for the kindle :D)
I don't mind mailing stuff overseas if you want to enter, but Kindle's good too. :) I don't have a story for the sequel or I'd probably send it in.
I'm gonna enter the contest! The anthology is cool lookin' but I want to win the Underwood Deviled Ham stamp...and with a plug like that there's no way they'll sue you, Kate.
Well, I actually went out and deliberately bought a tin of deviled ham last night, AND had it on a sandwich, so I think I'm safe. It's an awesome little stamp. I'd forgotten all about it until I found it the other day.
Cool! Done.
Lots of entries so far! I wish everyone could win.
All the prizes sound great. I think I'll go submit my entry now.
Oh good!
Oh man. That stamp is sweeeet.
Isn't it awesome? It was the only stamp I kept out of my whole rubber stamp collection that I gave away a few years ago.
Yes. Yes it is. :)
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