Sunday, September 11, 2011

Oh, editing, how I despise you

I meant to work on my Weredeer edits this weekend, but we're closing on the new house Thursday so the weekend was filled with last-minute packing and cleaning and perusing of paint swatch cards. Also, it rained a lot today and Mom wanted to drive around in the rain. Until we move, she's lamentably divorced from the full effects of weather. She's the kind of person who sleeps with her bedroom window propped open a little no matter how cold or hot it is out, and who sleeps with her head as close to the window as possible (in our old house, she actually slept with her head at the foot of the bed for just that reason). Now we're staying with my aunt and uncle, and the windows in her room don't open and are too well insulated for her to even hear the rain.

I'm about a third through the edits. They take soooooo looooong and I have to cooooncentrate on them, dammit. And I've recharged from writing Misfits this summer and I think I'm ready to write again rather than edit. My attention veers from finishing Adventures in Zoology to finishing the major rewrite of The Trickster Society to finishing the tail-end of Bloodhound. My interest in editing anything is at an all-time low. Yet, edit I must.

Also, I'm way behind in my reading. Why are there so few hours in the day?

Part of the problem is that I'm back at work now, which I hate. I mean, I hate having to work anyway, and I hate having to leave Mom during the day (although she's doing much better and her main problem is boredom), but I also hate that there are certain things I can't do while I'm at work. Like editing.


Michael McClung said...

Well, I can help with line edits if you want :)

Paula RC said...

Why not ask your mum to read through a print off of a chapter or two in case she sees something you have overlooked.

Just an idea.

K.C. Shaw said...

Michael--No one can help me with line edits. They are evil and all-consuming! But thanks.

Jarmara--That would be a great idea ordinarily, but these are edits from my editor, so I have to address them myself. Although I am tempted to give my laptop to Mom and say, "Here, do you mind finishing these?" She'd probably do a better job than me. She'd certainly be more gracious to the editor than I am. :)

Aaron Polson said...

Edeeeets. I love/hate them.

Revising I love; tweaking grammar and spelling and typos...


The edits for The Saints are Dead nearly made me swear off writing for life.

K.C. Shaw said...

I didn't think these edits would be so bad. But they're extensive, often fiddly, and time-consuming. Argh! At least it's a book I love.

Cate Gardner said...

I'm desperate to edit but that's possibly because I'm in writing mode. I love listening to the rain.

K.C. Shaw said...

You know, you're right--when I'm writing, I want to revise and edit; when I have to revise and edit, I want to write.

Danielle Birch said...

I like a window open too, even in the middle of winter.

Line edits are evil and all consuming, I agree.

K.C. Shaw said...

We're supposed to move this weekend, and we'll both need to leave the windows open since the house will still be filled with paint fumes! At least, I hope to paint four rooms in one day and two evenings.