The trouble with ebooks is that it's not practical to hold giveaway contests. It's not like a print book where you have a copy you can pick up and sign and put in an envelope and send to the winner. But maybe I can think of something else to give away when "Goldie" is released. Any suggestions?
I like. She looks like she could kick some serious butt.
As for a giveaway - you could offer a signed copy of Jack. Heck, it might lead to some sales for the underappreciated bloke.
Aaron--I agree. Let the butt-kicking commence! In January, anyway.
Cate--Jack is going out of print so there's no point in trying to drum up sales. I will probably reissue it as an ebook when Evil Outfitters is about to be released, since they're set in the same world.
Jack is going out of print!!!! I am both sad and elated. Elated because that means I have a rare first edition. ;)
Hehe, maybe I should keep my extra copy for after I'm famous. Nah, I'll be rich then too, of course. :)
Cool. Congratulations!
This looks seriously cool! I've seen (and won) download giveaways, so I don't think it's such a bad idea to do that, but if you want something different, maybe you could give away a print of the cover art? It's quite nice!
Ooh, you know, that's a good idea! I'd like a copy for myself too. I seriously love this cover.
Awesome cover -- and I just ordered GOLDIE @ Musa.
Your fellow Uranian,
Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.
Remember you can give away copies of your ebooks and use Kindlegraph to sign them available at Amazon for all authors.
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