Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nothing much

I don't have anything much to say except I'm sick of looking at that photo of my catfish dinner from the other week. I've discovered that the picture is only interesting if I'm hungry. Otherwise it's disgusting. So I'm going to scroll it down a little by posting.

I brought my writing files up to date this evening. I have a plastic box with hanging file folders inside where I keep copies of contracts and so forth. It's useful to have it all in one place in case I need to check something. And as it happens, I discovered I have my rights back to a few older pieces. Now I need to find time to dig up reprint markets.

Tomorrow I have to go in to work at 8am and I probably won't get home until after 10pm. This is really, really unusual, fortunately, and with luck it's the last day like this I'll have to endure. I'm actually filling in tomorrow evening for someone who's on family leave. It's a secondary contract to my main job, so I get a separate little paycheck and everything. It won't be much money, but every little bit helps. But oh, do I dread tomorrow night.

Oh, and I've signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo for June! It's like regular NaNo but you pick a month in the summer to do it! I wasn't going to bother, but I want to work on my new YA project (working title: Shadow Trail) and this will be a good way to get a lot of words down quickly. I have an outline already, so it should go pretty smoothly. (Famous last words, of course. I just jinxed myself.)


Danielle Birch said...

Am still madly editing and hoping that I will be ready in time for NaNo come November.

Danielle Birch said...

See, brain is not working - am still madly editing current novel and hoping to finish it so that I can start a fresh story come November.

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm going to try and do a second NaNo in November too (if I'm not madly editing). We can race!