Sunday, May 23, 2010

A tiny moon orbiting the novel

I started The Trickster Society yesterday, because it feels ripe. I'm only about 1,000 words in but I think I have the voice down right, and it's unfolding nicely already. Best of all? I have an idea for a short story with two of the main characters, set a year before the book's events. It's been so long since I wrote a short story (last September, actually, not counting one horrible flash story that's getting retired as soon as the rejection comes back) that I'm delirious with excitement about possibly writing a new one.

I need to be more disciplined about writing every day. That's why I like NaNoWriMo so much, but of course that's half a year away. Time to make a chart and break out the gold stars. I have too many projects going to waste any days.


Aaron Polson said...

I recently revived a character from a book to star in his own short story. It was kind of a fun romp. (PS-I can send you some gold stars if you need.)

Danielle Birch said...

I can't wait for NaNo either. I have the outline of a story down ready. In the meantime there's the other one I'm editing. If only the editing was as much fun as writing the first draft.

K.C. Shaw said...

Aaron--I'm always surprised when a character from a novel works well in a short story. I'm looking forward to writing this one. I just hope I can figure out a good ending. I'm not good at short story endings.

Danielle--I actually kind of like editing. Editing is a buffer between writing the book and writing the synopsis. I can edit for years if necessary! :)

Cate Gardner said...

Ooh, enjoy. I can't wait to start creating a new world again.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I hope the short story bug doesn't take another long holiday anytime soon. Good luck with the new ideas.

Anne Spollen said...

I think a lot of novels begin as short stories. That's such a great, easy thing when it does...good luck with this one!

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--It is awfully fun to start from scratch.

Jamie--I hope so too! Stay here, bug!

Anne--Thanks! I'm already having fun writing these characters. I think they can carry off the story and the novel both.

Fox Lee said...

I keep doing the reverse: getting novel ideas from short stories.