The pepper plants are turning out peppers like they're on an assembly line. I've sent off all the peppers people ordered; if you still want some, drop me an email. There are lots left, and will continue to be lots until our first frost, which probably won't be until late November (or even December).
I think I've chosen my NaNo finish-it project for this year. And the winner is...drumroll...
Adventures in Zoology. It's two-thirds finished already and it would benefit from the zany details I tend to shove in when writing at breakneck NaNo pace. Better yet, it only needs about 25-30,000 words, which means once I'm done I'll have to pick up another project to finish, probably Christopher Kaplan. It's a twofer!
Dear God, I never thought I'd use the word 'twofer' ever in my whole life.

Nice choices. Now when do we get to read some of these?
I'm doing a form of nano myself this year. I'm working on an RPG-ish video game, and need to come up with a storyline to fit into the RPG elements. And since November's approaching...
Excellent nano project! But can you do 50,000 words of storyline?
So excited about NaNoWriMo this year. I'm thinking my project will only be about 35,000 words, so like you, I'll be picking something else to help carry the torch.
Wow, it's NaNo time already? I think that I'm going to run with an idea I have, but not sign up officially. I found that it took up way too much time last year...and getting so close to Christmas!
Nope, can't do 50,000w of storyline--and wouldn't want to. My game is divided into exactly 100 miniature campaigns, and I need some accompanying text for each campaign that collectively advance the storyline. So that's my goal: complete the text for each one, providing a full narrative for the RPG.
I notice you didn't answer the "when do we get to read some of these?" part. :)
Cate--It's a twofer!
Alan--This year went really fast, definitely.
Richard--You get to read some of these one day when they're published. One day. (Your project sounds really cool, by the way.)
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