Friday, January 7, 2011

Those darn vampires

Suddenly...I understand the vampire-hate. I'm reading The Sweet Scent of Blood by Suzanne McLeod. I'm 125 pages in and I loathe it. The main character is a wimp, and every single other character is either a super-powerful sexy vampire man or a woman who hates the main character for no reason. I keep reading it and hating it, although now that I've explained how much I despise this kind of main character (why is she even the main character? she's a wimp and frankly kind of stupid) maybe I can convince myself to put it down and read something good.

But in the 125 pages I've read so far, I've come to understand all the vampire hate out there. Lord knows I've whined that a lot of markets post in their guidelines that they're not interested in vampires, and I've never understood why when there's so much a good writer can still do with them. Well, this book is why. Or maybe not this book specifically, but it's just a carbon-copy of all those other sexy-superpowerful-vampire books.

I'm sick of them. And YES, thank goodness, I just felt my brain drop its hold on this book. Now I can put it down and never ever pick up another book where the vampires are obviously loathsome but the reader's supposed to find them attractive.

Back to writing Bloodhound, where Cam is going to kill as many vampires as I can manage without it seeming silly.


Aaron Polson said...

I've always been of a mind that vampires were for fearing, hunting, and killing. It's more fun that way.

Cinette said...

I think that vampires have been over romantisized. They WERE monsters. Now, who wants to make out with a zombie?

K.C. Shaw said...

I agree, although I don't mind an occasional dose of sexy-vampire--just as long as the vampires aren't ridiculously overpowered and I'm not expected to find emotional manipulation and domination admirable.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cinette--Ew, making out with zombies, ew! And yeah, vampires should be nearly as icky when you think about it.

Fox Lee said...

Vampires should be sexy in moderation, not this never-ending Guess ad.

K.C. Shaw said...

Ha! Precisely!

Paula RC said...

Who wants to go out with a guy who you have to be up all night with? That you can't walk in the sun with and you can't meet his family to find out what sort of background he comes from because they are all long dead. I mean to say if he doesn't treat his family with repect well he's not going to treat you nice, is he? lol

K.C. Shaw said...

They say you can tell a lot about a guy by the way he treats his family. So definitely if he's outlived them by 400 years, that's iffy. :)