Friday, April 3, 2009

Google fills the empty hours

Boredboredbored. What would The Tick do?

I Googled "weredeer" and discovered I've fallen down on mentioning weredeer in all my blog posts: I don't show up at all, at least not in the first five pages that I checked. Of course, the book isn't out on sub anywhere so it's not as important for me to be on the first Google page (um, not that it's important anyway). I do think the rewrite has made the book much, much stronger and I'm still tinkering with it in smalls ways. If Double Dragon ever opens for subs again I'll try it with them. That will completely exhaust the teeny-tiny list of small publishers that are worth subbing to (ones that accept fantasy, I mean), at which point I'll hold onto it for when I've had lots of other books published. And no, I don't ever plan to trunk it.

Maybe I'll amuse myself (and keep myself writing short stories occasionally) by writing Kristof and Gabe stories. Because those are the characters from The Weredeer. Just ignore me, I'm rambling.

I also Googled "undead sharks" and I've totally fallen off for that one too. Which reminds me--has anyone heard anything from Dead Bait? I was hoping to hear from them by now with my undead shark story.


Jamie Eyberg said...

Dead Bait let me go early in the process. I haven't seen anything on Duotrope for them lately. Although they still have my 2012 A.D. submission.

Cate Gardner said...

I insist you add weredeer to every post for a month.

Aaron Polson said...

Put "undead sharks" and "weredeer" together and see what you get...

K.C. Shaw said...

Jamie--Good luck with the 2012 story! I never could come up with an idea for that one.

Cate--Weredeer! They're everywhere!

Aaron--Undead weredeer, probably. Or just a dead deer. :) (Okay, off to Google again.)