Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Writey write write

I dug in and wrote today, even though it's Tuesday and Tuesdays are my long days at work. I wrote longhand, so of course I had to type it all up when I got home. Considering that I had a lot of really important stuff to do when I got home, like play video games, I didn't get started typing until about an hour ago.

I typed over 2,000 words before I quit just now because I have to get to bed. And I didn't even finish typing up everything I wrote! I think I'll do okay in Nano this year after all.

The story is rocketing along. I really like the character of May. She's very different from any character I've ever written--tough, confident, practical, and stubborn--and she and her maybe-pirate boss snark at each other constantly, which is a lot of fun to write. The writing may not be first-rate, but I'm having fun.


Fox Lee said...

*sigh* My non-nano story has cows. Lots and lots of cows, with nary a pirate in sight.

BT said...

As long as you're having fun - that's all that counts!

Nat - check udder the patches, could be a swarthy fellow hiding betwixt the heifers!

Yes, I'll leave now. (It's been a long day)

Alan W. Davidson said...

Glad that you're having fun with it. I've fallen behind the past couple of days and will have some making up to do on the weekend.

K.C. Shaw said...

Natalie--Maybe the cows are actually pirates. By day they're mild-mannered cows, by night they roam the seas.

BT--*groans* lol

Alan--I'm hoping to get ahead tomorrow when I'm off work.

Carrie Harris said...

I still cannot believe that you're NaNoing LONGHAND. I think there should be a special award for that. Yowza.

Jamie Eyberg said...

I am with Carrie on this one. Wow. You are a glutton for punishment. Excellent progress though.

K.C. Shaw said...

Carrie and Jamie--I'm not doing all of it longhand, just the parts I write when I'm not at the computer. Also I have terrible, scrawly handwriting and use very good pens so my hand doesn't hurt that much.

I'd still like a reward. Maybe a trophy.

Aaron Polson said...

Longhand? Que?

I love your characters, even if we haven't met. Mine tend to be neurotic and frightened.

K.C. Shaw said...

My characters tend to be a little bit timid and worry a lot. May is a nice change from that.

Cate Gardner said...

I spent the day sizing up my colleagues. You may be right, I think there's some pirates here. :D

Danielle Birch said...

KC, my main character is different to others I've written as well. Quite interesting, isn't it.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--The eyepatches and tendency to say "arrr" are dead giveaways. :)

Danielle--I think that's part of the magic of nano, trying new things. After all, if it doesn't work we're only out a few weeks of writing.

Richard said...

You really, really need to invest the time to learn Gregg shorthand. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

I wouldn't be able to read it. I can barely read my own handwriting, and it hasn't changed substantially in decades. :)