Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Dragon Whisperer now available!

My fantasy novella, The Dragon Whisperer, is out this week from Double Dragon Press! It's a fun, light, slightly romantic story--in fact, here's the cover blurb:

May Armstrong used to be a renowned animal tamer, until her mind-control abilities disappeared along with her ghostly mentor. She’s been retired for two years—but a pushy king won’t let her refuse his job offer. He wants her to tame a dragon for him. She knows she can’t do it.

But when May’s current employer turns out to be more than just an innocent ship’s captain, suddenly she’s a wanted woman in more ways than one. May has a big decision to make: risk being eaten by a dragon, or outrun bounty hunters and city guards for the rest of her life.

It's available in just about any ebook format you can think of, and if you order now you get a 15% discount. You can read the first chapter on the page I linked to above. I love this book. I hope you do too!


Fox Lee said...


Richard said...

Yay! And just when I was about to run out of stuff to read...

Aaron Polson said...

Let's see...whoot is taken. Yay is taken.


K.C. Shaw said...

Thanks, guys! Huzzahs and woots and yays all around! (I almost typed yayas.)

Cate Gardner said...

The magic of new technology. Read the tweet and within a few minutes your book was living in my kindle. Soooooo exciting.

Anonymous said...

Conratulations! Sounds like a great read.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--I love the instant gratification factor of ebooks too. :)


Danielle Birch said...

Congrats, KC. I'll be heading over to get me a copy.

K.C. Shaw said...

I hope you like it!

Richard said...

Yayas all around! Wait, isn't that your other book?

K.C. Shaw said...

It'll be my next book. :)

LMEighmy said...

OMG! I'll have to buy this as soon as I pay off the balance of my credit card (it's only at about $30, so I can get it soon...)! I still want to get Jack of All Trades. Do you know if they'll be publishing it for Kindle any time soon?

K.C. Shaw said...

I don't know about Jack of All Trades in Kindle form. You might be able to d/l the ebook version and do that thing where you can get the file translated into Kindle format (I think Amazon charges a small fee for that, like ten cents or something). Sorry I don't know more about it!