Friday, February 24, 2012

No dog. Cat.

You know how if you've been reading one author's books for an extended period of time (in my case, ten days) and no other books, and then you finish the last one, it's hard to imagine reading anything else by any other author? That's me right now. I finished the last Mike Carey book and can't settle to anything else.

In totally unrelated news, I'm getting a cat instead of a dog. I'd actually told my coworker that I couldn't possibly take care of a dog right now, so whatever synchronicity was gearing up in that area got cut off. Then a friend of my mother's asked if I could take in her dad's cat after he died, and I said I would. She's going to bring the cat over this weekend.

There will be pictures.


Richard said...

:) Now the big question is, does the cat get a new name?

Diana said...

Cats are much easier to take care of. They don't have to be walked or let out twice a day. Looking forward to pictures.

Ash-Matic said...

Mike Carey?

I had to Wikipedia him to make sure it was the same guy - I didn't realise he wrote novels too.

Just last night I read Hellblazer: All His Engines, which was awesome.

I'm also a huge fan of Lucifer - that was a hell of a series, and with its apocalyptic and biblical scope I felt somewhat like you when I came to the end.

K.C. Shaw said...

Richard--I'm thinking of calling her Silver. She was named by Cindy O's granddaughter, though, so I can't let her know I've changed it (her current name is Grayna).

Diana--Definitely easier to take care of than dogs! I may ultimately get a second cat so they can keep each other company while I'm gone.

Ash-Matic--I've heard his comics are excellent. His books are certainly very good.

Kelly Robinson said...

Yay, cat!

K.C. Shaw said...

It's a kitty!