Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nothing but ham

I leave for my vacation day after tomorrow. I am down to these items on my list:

Wed. night: clean litterbox, mow lawn, trash out, flash drive in purse, paint toenails
Thurs. morn: make bed, double lock back door, luggage to car, hug cat

But at the top of that page is a great big note that says FINISH HAM.

See, I bought some ham last week without thinking, a quite good chunk of sliced ham that's excellent on sandwiches. But there's way too much of it for any rational person to use in just a week. If I don't eat it, there's a good chance it'll get all gross in the fridge while I'm away, so I've been eating ham for almost every meal. Good thing ham goes with everything, even acting.


Cate Gardner said...

Have a fabulous holiday, Kate

K.C. Shaw said...


And someone told me to (duh) freeze the ham, so thank goodness I can stop eating it.

Richard said...

See you tomorrow!

K.C. Shaw said...

I can't wait! I bet you're not still up trying to find the makeup remover wipes you bought last week. That's what I'm doing (also laundry, charging the phone, and printing boarding passes).

Richard said...

Make it back safely?

K.C. Shaw said...

Of course! And I have pictures!