Tuesday, October 14, 2008

book acceptance (but don't get too excited)

I woke up to my expected Cinema Spec rejection, and also to an acceptance from Trunk Novels for my fantasy novel Weaver's Shroud. I sent it to them last month on a lark and didn't really expect them to want it. Yes, I would probably make more money from the story sale, because there's no pay involved for Trunk Novels except through reader donations, but it's still kind of nice that Liza and her friends will be available for anyone to read about.

I'll let you know when the book will appear.


Anonymous said...

Big Congrats! I'll keep us posted on when it comes out.

Carrie Harris said...

Hey! That's great!

K.C. Shaw said...

Thanks! I've always liked that book even though it's very different from what I write now.

Mary said...


This is the first time I’ve heard of Trunk Novels. And I think it’s a great idea.

K.C. Shaw said...

Yeah, it's a pretty nifty idea, and a nicely put together site. I haven't downloaded anything from them yet, but a few of the books they have up already look interesting.

Cate Gardner said...


I hope you get zillions of readers and that word spreads across the internet. I'm in for a copy.

K.C. Shaw said...

Thanks! I'm going to see if Trunk Novels can start offering their books as Stanza downloads too, so people can read them on their iphones. I hear it's all the rage!

Anonymous said...

Ummm... just to clear up my reply above, YOU'LL keep us posted when it comes out, won't you? Because I really want to read your stuff!

Congratulations, again.

K.C. Shaw said...

lol, yes, I'll keep you posted!

My writing style has changed quite a bit since I wrote this book (just shy of ten years ago), but the story is still a good one. At least, I think it is.