Thursday, July 30, 2009

300 words and not sure it's worth it

I'm a mere 300 words into "Hunger," which has to be finished and submitted by tomorrow night's Shadows of the Emerald City deadline; if I don't finish in time, there's no point in finishing at all since there is no other market for this story. I feel like I'm an Iron Chef challenger and the last five minutes have been announced, and none of my dishes are plated yet.

I was going to do the random picture meme that some folks have been doing, but I realized almost all of the pictures I have saved to my harddrive are lolcats. So instead, I'm going to go work on "Hunger" and leave you with this single random picture.


Alan W. Davidson said...

I know the's nearly midnight here and I've just sent off my short story entry to the local paper. The contest is sponsored by a local publisher. The top 3 get cash prizes, others will be considered for an anthology. Just got the 1200 word thing edited for the umpteenth time and sent it off ahead of tomorrows deadline (I've got to work). Hope you got yours done, KC.

Aaron Polson said...

Best to both of you in your quests! Nothing like a little pressure to make things interesting, eh?

K.C. Shaw said...

Alan--Good luck on the contest! I'm still struggling through my story, ugh.

Aaron--I wilt under pressure. :)

Danielle Birch said...

Good luck, I hope you get it done. Pressure makes me extremely hostile.

Cate Gardner said...

I've seen what the cover looks like - give it a go, you'll kick yourself if you don't.

K.C. Shaw said...

Danielle--I'm usually hostile anyway. :)

Cate--Oh, pooh, now I really do have to work hard on it all day. I'll sneak a notebook to work or something.

Anonymous said...

You can probably find a market for it anyway! There was that short, "A Hanged Man in Oz" or something like that, that was in a few horror anthos.

Or you can work like the crazy :^)

best of luck!

Jamie Eyberg said...

Deadlines, is there a more appropriate word?

K.C. Shaw said...

Horror Girl--this one's shaping up to be such crap that I'm tempted to just give up on it. But I always think that. It's also not a bit scary, which isn't surprising because I'm not a horror writer and everything I write ends up kind of cheerful.

Jamie--Ha, I'd never really thought about it, but you're so right!