Saturday, September 5, 2009

Food from many lands

Day 2 at DragonCon and I'm really loving this! I can definitely see me making this a yearly thing if at all possible. I've really been enjoying everything about the con, especially the panels. So far, every single panel I've attended has been intelligent, well-run, and fascinating. My favorite panel was one from this morning, What Women Want in SF/F Roles, with Lois McMaster Bujold as one of the panelists. The room was packed, and not just with women, which was nice to see. At the beginning of the panel, the moderator mentioned that this panel was about "what women want." That made everyone titter a bit. Then I realized I was sitting squished between a long-haired gamer dude and a man Edward Gorey might have described as a "well-set-up older gentleman," and I realized also that I was pretty close to what I want. :)

Anyway, I met my friend Kevin for lunch and we went to an awesome Brazilian restaurant where they bring meat around on skewers and carve bits off for you. It was excellent, and I ate so much I kind of assumed I'd never want to eat again. It was also wonderful to catch up, since I hadn't seen Kevin since the late 1990s--hard to believe. Then after the afternoon panels I got together with my cousin Molly for supper; I figured I'd just have a small salad and tea or something, but she said, "Do you like Mexican?" Oh yes I do. Oh my yes. So we went to this tiny but excellent place called Pancho's and had enchiladas and margaritas, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to explode.

I'm completely worn out but having a wonderful time. Tomorrow I've got three more panels I want to attend, and then I'm heading home, where I will spent the rest of the three-day weekend eating nothing but crackers and ice water and not much of that. Also I will sleep a lot.


Jameson T. Caine said...

Sounds like you're having an awesome time! I hope everything continues to run smoothly.

Cate Gardner said...

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Aaron Polson said...

Carving the meat off skewers. Yum. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

yay! i'm glad you're having such a blast.

and crackers and water... i don't think i believe that :^)

Jameson T. Caine said...

Oh, did you make it to the TAPS (Ghost Hunters) panel?

Alan W. Davidson said...

Glad that you're having enough fun for all of us, KC!

Danielle Birch said...

Sounds like a great place to be. Enjoy yourself and enjoy sampling all those different foods.