Monday, August 23, 2010

emails and titles

I'm embarrassed to admit that sometimes I submit stories to anthologies just because I want the comp copy. Thus it is with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Cookbook anthology, which I happen to have a story for--but I can't get my sub to go through! Anyone know if that antho is still alive? If they are, does anyone have a working submission email address? [ETA: I got the email to go through today. Maybe it was just a glitch this weekend.]

It's starting to feel like fall here, just a little. The light is golden, the air clear, and it's in the balmy 80s instead of the sweaty 90s. I'm revving up for the autumn writing season, which I'm looking forward to even though I've been writing steadily all summer. Suddenly I'm ready to write my head off, as many words as I can get down in a few months.

First, of course, I need to finish this book. I've tipped just past 75k and it's time to wrap things up within 10-15k words max. My goal tonight: work out the timeline of the ending and figure out exactly what I want to happen. Easy, right? Hunh.

Oh, and I'm ready to start thinking up a real title for the book. It's an urban fantasy, and The Trickster Society sounds like a YA book--but would be a good tag for a series name, if it comes to that. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Send some of that cool weather down my way!

Good luck with the outline. Almost there!

K.C. Shaw said...

It may take a while to get the weather to you. I'll box it up and send it, but it might not get there until October. :)

Fox Lee said...

"Loin Captain, and the world of Tomorrow"

K.C. Shaw said...

I'm not sure that would work, but I wouldn't mind reading that book. :)

Mom suggested Shadow Crossing. I actually really like it.

Aaron Polson said...

Shadows are good. I wouldn't rule out anything with Loin Captain in it...

Enjoy the ending. Always a good time.

K.C. Shaw said...

I hate endings. I absolutely can't figure out a way to have this book end without fizzling. Ugh. I have a few more scenes I can write before I have to make a decision about what to do, though. Maybe some ideas will pop up.

Cate Gardner said...

I really like the title 'The Trickster Society', but then maybe I'm YA biased.

Our weather is in the 60's and we're still clinging onto summer with the desperate hope of the British.

K.C. Shaw said...

60s in August? Eek! That's like opposite land!

Actually it was in the upper 60s when I got up this morning, and it felt great.