Monday, August 30, 2010

What I write when I've finished writing

I didn't have anything to write today. I've finished The Trickster Society and I don't have anything lined up to work on immediately, so what did I do today when I had some downtime to write?

I wrote the query for Trickster Society, of course!

One good thing about writing one or two books a year, I get a lot of practice writing queries. Of course, I'm still no good at them (just consider the 100% disinterest in Bell-Men). But I keep plugging away at it because otherwise I'd have to figure out another hobby. Anyway, here's the query. Please let me know if it A) makes no sense and/or B) causes you to actually fall asleep.

Ivy Andersder is a troll--literally. It's hard fitting in when you're big, green, and scary. Ivy's become an expert at hiding her emotions as well as her fangs.

When her best friend suggests they blow off steam by pulling trickster pranks, Ivy thinks it'll be fun. But during their first prank, not only is Ivy nearly arrested, she asks a shadow person for help--and ends up in his debt, oathbound to rescue a captive fairy.

With help from her friends--five humans and a homesick leprechaun--Ivy breaks into a company called BioTech and rescues the fairy from magical experimentation. But BioTech is a sister company to the security firm where Ivy works, and she soon discovers it's also developing weapons that selectively affect nonhumans--including trolls.

One of her friends is missing and Ivy's job is at stake. It's time for the troll to show her fangs.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I think that's a very cool premise! I like the query (I'm also totally inexperienced at them).

K.C. Shaw said...

I don't know if I'm getting better at them or not, but they seem to be a little easier to write than they used to be.

Aaron Polson said...

I love it--I'd probably skip the first sentence as you can do the same with an appositive next to Ivy's name later on. An active verb really grabs me a bit harder, but all in all a very nice query. The first bit in paragraph 2 is a great attention snagger. Now the game is on!

K.C. Shaw said...

Oh, thanks! You're definitely right about the first sentence, and that trims it down a little too.

Fox Lee said...

I'm intrigued!

K.C. Shaw said...

Good! :)

Danielle Birch said...

Most intriguing. I want to read more.

K.C. Shaw said...

I hope that's what all the agents say. :)

Richard said...

Oooo... papa like. :)

K.C. Shaw said...

Thanks! :)