Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Empty-headed as usual

I'm stuck on The Trickster Society, or as its shiny new title is, Shadow Crossing (100% more urban fantasy in that title! 100% less fun!). I have no clue how to tie everything up with a proper whizbang ending. I'm around 77k words in and have maybe 2k more that I can write without having to make a decision on the plot.

I tried outlining the ending last night, but I kept getting bogged down because, yes, it's hard to outline a big mental blank spot. I think the main problem is that this book's set in the real world, so I keep trying to apply real-world solutions to the book's plot issues. Why yes, I could get the bad guys arrested...but wouldn't that be lame? My main character has spent half the book training to be a bodyguard. I think she needs to kick someone's ass before the end of the book.


Cate Gardner said...

You'll work the end out.

Shadows Crossing is a good title, but I still don't see why you can't use 'The Trickster Society'. I think that title would make it stand out.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Time for a good ass kicking. I can't outline - it's a subliminal form of procrastination for me. My outlines keep going and going and going...

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--I think 'Shadow Crossing: A Trickster Society Novel' has a certain ring to it. :)

Jeremy--I have trouble lately with outlines in that they get wordier and wordier and suddenly I'm writing the scene instead of outlining it.

Aaron Polson said...

I'm with Jeremy. Ass-kicking must happen, like yesterday.

(and yes...don't abandon "Trickster" in the title...please)

K.C. Shaw said...

Aw, darn, now I'm back to the original title I guess. I was so proud of having a generic urban fantasy title, too.

Ass-kicking commmencing...NOW! Well, as soon as I get down to some writing.

Fox Lee said...

Ass kicking. Definitely ass kicking.

K.C. Shaw said...

Ass is about to be kicked all over the place.

Richard said...

Pirates. Duh.

K.C. Shaw said...

If all else fails, pirates will always work!

Danielle Birch said...

Sometimes when I have trouble I move to another room with a new clean notebook and a freshly sharpened pencil and just try jotting down story points until something comes to me.

K.C. Shaw said...

That sounds like a perfect way to spend an hour or two. Especially if it's raining and I have hot tea to sip. Man, I hope it rains tomorrow. :)