Thursday, July 23, 2009

My First ARC

I have the day off work (and tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow--a four-day weekend!), so I slept late and then staggered down to the post office. There I mailed my contract to Double Dragon, and picked up a package that turned out to be my proof copy of Jack of All Trades!

This weekend I'll go over it with a fine-toothed comb and send any absolutely necessary changes to my editor. At that point, hopefully it won't be too much longer before the official release! I'm thinking about running a contest to give away one of my author copies (most are already slated for reviewers or family members), so if you have any ideas for a contest, pass them along. I'm not good at contests.

Here's another picture of the inside, with one of Richard Svensson's awesome illustrations.


Richard said...

Contests are easy! How about this one: whoever sends in the most money, gets a copy? (Of course, no one knows how much others have sent in...)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Sweet! Nothing like good news all the way around.

Cate Gardner said...

Oh my! And you get illustrations too.

How about a contest were you can enter to win a signed ARC if you've purchased the book? That way it might boost sales.

Kate Shaw said...

Lertulo--I'd have to specify that Monopoly money is not allowed. :)

Jamie--Yeah, today's been a good day so far.

Cate--I don't know, it would be hard to make people prove they'd bought the book.

(Oh, and this is obviously me but I'm logged in under my other gmail account and am too lazy to log out, retype my comment, and log back in. Pretend you see a deer picture in the corner by my name.)

Aaron Polson said...

That is made of awesome. Illustrations just put it over the edge of awesome town into uber-awesome town. (I saw awesome town on your map of the internet...I think)

K.C. Shaw said...

I may have left awesome town off the map (I can't remember), but it's right next to the illustrations in this book. :)

BT said...

very kewl!

I'm no good at suggesting competitions but if it's for a signed ARC, I'd be happy to enter.

K.C. Shaw said...

BT and Danielle--Thanks!

Since I'm going to be marking up the ARC with changes, the contest will actually be for a signed copy of the finished book. The cover is too awesome to deprive contest winners anyway. :)

Paula RC said...

Wow, how rewarding to see your name on a cover of a book.

What wonderful news

K.C. Shaw said...

It's just a tiny press, but they've done a great job. It is a thrill to hold the ARC and think, "hey, this is one I wrote!" :)

Anne Spollen said...

That is amazing! Very cool! Isn't it hard to think about anything else?

K.C. Shaw said...

Well, I find that most of my brainpower is usually taken up with ice cream, so the hard part is setting aside ice cream-related thoughts to make room for "book coming out soon" thoughts. :)

Anonymous said...

how about a contest where whoever's named Samantha gets a copy? Oh would you look at that.... I win!