Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday morning goodness

I woke up to an acceptance from Emerald Tales this morning. Yes, "Cult of the Butterfly" will appear in the first issue! Not only that, but I'll share a TOC with Catherine J. Gardner, whose story "Empty Box Motel" was also accepted. I can't wait to read her story and see what weird flights of fancy she took the "follow the butterflies" issue theme on.

Anthology Builder is running a contest that looks interesting. You pick a cover from their database (and they have hundreds) and write a story about it. There's no entry fee and the winner gets $200 and publication on Anthology Builder. Finalists get a critique by founder Nancy Fulda and a $30 gift certificate to Anthology Builder (and I've put together an anthology there and have stories listed, so I think that's a great prize). I'm definitely going to be looking through their covers sometime this week.


Cate Gardner said...

Good luck with the Anthology Builder contest, and a congrats, congrats, squee.

Aaron Polson said...

Congrats to both...sounds like a fun pub.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--Squee! And congrats again to you too!

Aaron--I think it's going to be interesting. I love themed issues.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Hey, great news KC!

K.C. Shaw said...

Thanks! I think so too. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

Fantastic news about the acceptance. Good luck with the Antho builder story. Sounds interesting *scratches chin thoughtfully*

K.C. Shaw said...

Yeah, I've got to figure out a good story idea for the contest. It's a good excuse to write a new story, at least.

Jameson T. Caine said...

Woot! Congrats on the acceptance!

K.C. Shaw said...


Danielle Birch said...

Congrats, great news.

BT said...

Excellent news - congrats on the acceptance.

The contest is intriguing as well. Might just have to have a good look at that one...Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there IS only ONE Kate Shaw.


BT said...

Ta muchly for the Emeralds Tales reminder. I've now gone over and have something in the pipeline for the Winter Solstice themed issue.


My even have something for the contest ;c)

K.C. Shaw said...

Jeremy-Huzzah indeed! :)

BT--Cool, I hope your solstice story makes it! Good luck on the contest entry too. I picked out a cover last night and I'm turning story ideas over for it myself.