Carrie Harris, Query Ninja, has ninja'ed one of my queries. Now I have to rewrite it--but I know the direction to take it, so it won't be so bad. I hope.
We're a Nielsen Family this week, with official booklets for each TV and everything. It started yesterday. I'm frankly embarrassed to have to write down that I watched four of the five hours of VH1's One-Hit Wonders of the 80s show this afternoon, and that I'm watching one of those awful police car chase video shows right now. Not only that, but I feel oddly compelled to keep the TV on and watch it. There is a column for "TV on but no one watching/listening" but that feels like I'm not taking the Nielsen Family thing seriously.
Mom must be feeling the same way, because earlier when I went down to get some lemonade, she came out to ask me something, then said, "I have to get back--I said I'm watching this show about pyramids." I'll be glad when our Nielsen Family Week is over.
Isn't it so much easier just to write than to query? The worst is when you get this: put the idea of your story into a sentence of no more than twelve words.
Argh, I don't know if I could do it in a hundred words. I'm not sure I've managed it in 88,000 words, actually.
If one of my favorite shows gets canceled, I'm blaming you! lol
At least we know it won't be Ghost Hunters. :)
The Nielsen people called us once. I answered and said we don't watch TV.
There was a solid five seconds of silence before he said "thank you for your time" and hung up.
That was fun.
Jameson--The POWER!! Muahahahaha!!!
Aaron--I actually never used to watch TV. For many years I never even had a TV. Now I've been sucked in so thoroughly that Nielsen tapped me for a week.
If they show re-runs of Pushing Daisies say you watch it. Evil network cancellers.
I don't know that we have a Neilsen thing going on up here, bit I liked Aaron's solution. I have the same response for the people who call about carpet cleaning surface...and jury duty.
Cate--I will use my powers only for good, I promise.
Alan--I wish it was that easy to get out of jury duty! (I almost typed "fury duty.")
hey i saw that i think. tainted love was number one. nice.
see kc? your not the only one...
We watch a lot of cartoons around my house. sometimes the kids watch them with me.
HG--Tainted Love is one of my all-time favorite songs!
Jamie--The trick to watching cartoons is calling it animation so that it sounds more grown up. :)
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