Wednesday, September 30, 2009

end of Sept and WIP Wed, all in one!

Unless I get an acceptance in the next five hours, September will be the first month this year in which I didn't get an acceptance. On the other hand, I don't have much out right now. I did have my story "Meet Mary Sue" appear in ASIM #40 this month, which delighted me considerably.

And I'm writing. Boy howdy, how I'm writing! At the very beginning of September I had the merest idea for an urban fantasy, which ripened when I went to DragonCon. When I got home I started writing it, and now I'm halfway through, with about 45,000 words written.

You know what? Yesterday I was disappointed that I only had time to write 2,000 words. Only 2,000 words in one day. There have been many months this year where I've barely scraped 2,000 words in the entire month. But this seems to be my regular rhythm the last few years: I'll write very little in spring and summer, but at the end of August I bust loose and write like crazy for several months. Last year I wrote the novella The Price of Justice (formerly Hilda and Justice), and the novels The Taste of Magic and Blood and Taxes between September and February. This year I've written half of working-title The Bell Men already, and I hope to finish it before NaNoWriMo. Oh, and I wrote a short story the other week too.

So sure, I haven't sold anything this month, but I'm writing. That's the important thing.


Danielle Birch said...

Again, I definitely need some of your discipline for October. I need someone here to crack the wip. Here's hoping an acceptance squeezes in the door before it closes. Or maybe it just means you'll get two in October.

K.C. Shaw said...

My discipline is not very disciplined. :)

I'm not getting my hopes up for a last-second acceptance, considering I've only got like four stories out right now. But it would be nice!

Anonymous said...

kc, your productivity makes the rest of us (I) look bad ;^)

keep it up

oh dear i think i'm going the month without an acceptance also. maybe something magical will happen in the next three and a half hours.

K.C. Shaw said...

We've still got a few hours! Anything can happen in a few hours.

Aaron Polson said...

Any way you look at it, 2009 has been one heck of a year thus far.

Bravo for the word count.

Word verification (ready)...


K.C. Shaw said...

That's a great word verification. I got "crazed" on someone's blog today, which was pretty cool too.

Alan W. Davidson said...

You slacker! Only 2000 words! Man, with output like that the Nano would be a cakewalk for you this year.

K.C. Shaw said...

Mmmaybe. I mean, three weeks and 45,000 words, I'd come in at 50,000 pretty easily but not in record time.

Ack, must write now! Practicing for nano!

Jameson T. Caine said...

I am in awe at your word count. I'm still debating whether or not to do Nano this year.

K.C. Shaw said...

Join us! Join us! :)

Cate Gardner said...

Awesome month, and phew! *wipes sweat off brow* this is the first month (this year) that I haven't had an acceptance as well. I've kind of wound myself up about it.

Carrie Harris said...

No offense, but the phrase "only 2000 words" makes me hate you. ;)

Jamie Eyberg said...

I have been in awe of your productivity all month and now that we have a grand total I have moved from awe to shock. Holy cow, What a month!

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--obviously the editors all took September off. I just hope they're back in October.

Carrie--I realize you're just wildly jealous of my mad typing skillz. :)

Jamie--Yeah, it's been a nice change. And by tonight I'll be at 50,000 words if it kills me! Which it might.

Fox Lee said...

Your overachieving is making me all hungry ; )
To the kitchen!

K.C. Shaw said...

I recommend ice cream. :)