Wednesday, September 23, 2009

WIP Wednesday: the engine's revving again

After a mid-week slump--I blame the vampirates--I'm back in the saddle for Bell-Men again. I finally finished typing up all the longhand writing I did the last few days, and I'm at 27,400 words. I was at 18,000 last Wednesday, which means I'm going to write 600 more words tonight before bed.

The plot is moving again, and I have some excellent scenes to look forward to. Cam's roommate is going to talk her into breaking into someone's walled garden tonight, for instance, and they're going to get caught. Muahaha. I think I'm going to have Cam arrested, which is going to lead to a fun-to-write argument with her boyfriend, who's a policeman. Oh, and she's going to discover something odd in the garden too (although I don't know what yet).

I also wrote a short story this weekend, so go me. It needs a bit of work, but I like it.

I love fall.


Alan W. Davidson said...

Ohh, sounds like some high drama about to happen...

Anonymous said...

Cool. I'm glad The Bell-Men is still coming along. Sounds like a great project.

K.C. Shaw said...


Alan--Yeah, poor Cam won't know what hit her.

Jeremy--I'm having fun with it again. It's still work, but fun work.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Inspirational. Nothing else to say.

Carrie Harris said...

Yay, short story! Yay, plot moving!

Just yay.

Aaron Polson said...

Again, I am in awe of your mighty-mighty word count.

K.C. Shaw said...

Jamie--hehe, thanks. I'm not usually very inspirational. :)

Carrie--Yay on principle!

Aaron--Ah, but if you take my last few weeks' word counts and spread them out over all those weeks when I didn't write anything, it's much less impressive.

Fox Lee said...

Huzzah! Tension : )

K.C. Shaw said...

Tension is good for characters. It builds character. :)