Wednesday, September 2, 2009

WIP Wednesday FTW

I've finally gotten back in the rhythm of writing. In fact, I've written over 8,000 words just in the last few days. It feels good! I'll be taking my laptop with me to DragonCon, and I hope to make some time in the evenings and/or early mornings to write.

Of course, the outline I worked on so carefully a few weeks ago is totally useless. It was totally useless within 1,000 words. I kind of expected that, though; this is a swashbuckling adventure, and I wanted to be free to add details and chase subplots as I thought of them. I'm only about 19,000 words in total so far, and I'm really happy with the way things are going. There's not a lot of swashbuckling so far, but that's about to change fast. Right now Our Heroine and her expedition-mates have been captured by bandits, but she's going to escape (with some help). Very soon she's going to acquire a sword and a few good reasons to use it.


Cate Gardner said...

My outline is out the door as well, though I have kept the last chapter as I do like my original ending and it'll still work with a few added extras.

Alan W. Davidson said...

Ooh...captured by bandits and a soon-to-be-acquired sword for future swashbuckling! got me hooked already, KC! Have a great time at DragonCon.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--I think my ending will work too, although I've got another 40-50k words to mess up the ending with.

Alan--I like my main character. She seems the sort to take to swashbuckling like she was fated for it. :)

Jamie Eyberg said...

I want to know what kind of sword it is (rapier, saber, foil, bastard?) Have fun swashbuckling. That sounds like fun and have a blast at the convention, sounds like lots of fun people are going to be there.

Carrie Harris said...

I just hate you for going to DragonCon. I mean, congrats and all that, and the swashbuckling is cool, but I still hate you in the nicest way possible.

Aaron Polson said...

I like swords. I like killer word counts. Huzzah!

Anonymous said...

no I didn't forget on purpose to do a WIP post...

8000 words is a great amount! congrats!

K.C. Shaw said...

Jamie--Uh, I'll get back to you on that. *frantically looks for a website with pictures of swords*

Carrie--I bask in the hate.

Aaron--It's a two for one huzzah!

Horror Girl--I think 8,000 words is more than I've written in months combined. It's so nice to be back on track.

Jameson T. Caine said...

8,000 words? Kick ass.