Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long day

Mundania finally bothered to get back to me with a rejection this morning, with some advice for revisions and an invitation to resubmit afterwards. Um, yeah, I'm just dying to let you hold my manuscript for another 442 days.

Some perspective: I wrote The Weredeer in early 2006. At the time, I hadn't published a single work of fiction. Since then, I've written five novels and a novella and have lots of publishing credits to my name, including my first pro sale. I wrote two of those novels and the novella after submitting The Weredeer to Mundania at the end of 2007. Since 2006, my writing has improved to a tremendous degree.

I have plans for The Weredeer. I'm looking forward to revising it; I intend to use the current manuscript as a framework, and I'll pour every ounce of my newfound skills into it. It's going to be the best thing I ever wrote when I'm done. And by the time I think it's ready to see the light of day again, The Taste of Magic will have hooked me an agent, and I won't need to bother with POD publishers.

If I sound a little overwrought, it's probably because I also saw Rigoletto today (an excellent performance by the Knoxville Opera Co. They don't, alas, sell T-shirts, but they should) and I just finished reading the awesome The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Now I have to do (yawn) laundry and psych myself up for my annual performance review at work tomorrow (I have such a huge problem with authority, honestly, I go into performance reviews with black hatred in my heart). Life is boring. Thank gawd for books.


Jamie Eyberg said...

I am truly sorry about the rejection. I was rooting for you on this one. I am sure you are correct though. I can speak for myself that my writing has improved drastically since the first book I wrote. (I am actually very embarrassed by it and it should be burned) Good luck redoing it I hope the next one is an acceptance.

K.C. Shaw said...

It's funny, but last night I actually told myself that Mundania wasn't going to respond at all and that I'd just revise the hell out of the book and try again later when I have an agent. So at least I have closure.

The Weredeer isn't the first book I ever wrote (the first book I wrote is lost to history, and thank goodness for that. Same with the second, third, and fourth books I wrote.), but it had a lot of problems from the beginning. It's seen a lot of revisions, but nothing like the one it's about to get. :)

Aaron Polson said...

I have to second Jamie's sentiment; I was in your corner all the way. I'm sure you will conquer the world--I just want to be there to buy a copy when you do.

K.C. Shaw said...

lol, thanks! That's sweet of you to say.

Cate Gardner said...

Okay, they rejected but they also invited you to resubmit. Do you know how rare that is? Normally it's just go away and don't bother us again (or is that just me?). You should be patting yourself on the back, you're well on your way to making it.

Anonymous said...

Please try again - I like the idea of Weredeer - it should see print some day, so I can read it.

K.C. Shaw said...

Cate--thanks, I do need to remember that it was a positive reject. I just wish it hadn't taken them so freaking long to come to that decision.

Jeremy--thanks! I don't have any doubt that this'll see print one day, eventually.