Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what was the question again?

I've been writing bits and pieces of The Weredeer from the ground up, but it's time to go in and start marrying the new parts to the old. It's a delicate operation, like a prose transplant.

Before I started, I went out for a walk to get my creative juices flowing. Unfortunately, I passed the Baptist church and their sign says "Whatever the question, Jesus is the answer," and I spent the rest of the walk coming up with questions to which Jesus is not actually the answer. Such as, "What is that smell?"


Aaron Polson said...

Yeah, that is a dangerous thing to put up on a marquee. Here's hoping your head can clear enough for the operation.

Jeremy D Brooks said...

The church down the street from me has a sign that says "Advance. Conquer. Rule." Apparently the local Korean Baptists are done with the whole passive thing, and are ready to stab me in the eye with a decorative fork with a plastic handle carved into the shape of you-know-who.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Who do I go to for porn? Who will change the oil on my truck? Why are balls round? What makes a car go?

Yeah, I see a problem with the logic on that billboard.

K.C. Shaw said...

Aaron--the operation seems to be working. I'm just a smidgen into chapter one and I've probably added 1,000 words already. I really underwrote this book--it's in desperate need of description!

Jeremy--I think I would keep an eye on that church. It sounds as though they're planning something that probably involves flaming torches and angry chanting.

Jamie--Who ate the last piece of cake? Does this look infected? What time does the movie start? Who was that guy they arrested for DUI last week?

Jeremy D Brooks said...

"Who was that guy that did the awesome Shrek and Friends topiary in the yard last year?"

Wait, that one kind of works.

K.C. Shaw said...

lol, I've always suspected topiary probably requires divine powers.

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?

Carrie Harris said...

Transplant a little Jesus into your prose. It'll feel much better.


Cate Gardner said...

The perfect excuse... Why did I just eat a creme egg before tea? Jesus made me do it.

K.C. Shaw said...

Jeremy K--lol!

Carrie--"Are these revisions any good?" Jesus! You're right!

Cate--"Why do I keep slipping on my diet and have to keep restarting it?" Jesus!

BT said...

Funny stuff!

Maybe we should all go round and collect the sayings on the church boards. I'm guessing you could put them together nicely to create a story - or a huge bonfire ;c)

K.C. Shaw said...

Ha! A story from church billboards--that's a very intriguing idea! Of course it would have to be titled "Makes One Weak" or something (since the churches around here seem fond of the "seven days without prayer makes one weak" message.