I should get the printed proofs soon. This is fun!
It's also time to start thinking about promotion, so if anyone has any ideas, please pass them along. I'd especially love suggestions on good places to send a copy for review, since most of the books I buy are ones I've seen reviewed in various blogs. I've had especially good luck with reviews I've read at Fantasy Debut--I've discovered lots of great new authors there. Any other suggestions?
Congrats! Awesome cover art!
Thanks! I love it!
hey kc! i read your blog all the time, so i thought i should drop a line :^)
congrats! very cute cover
Love it! How awesome to see your name on the cover!
Most of my fav review sites trend toward the dark, so I'm not much help there.
Woot! I'm excited and it's not even my book.
Ideas for promotion. May I suggest a book trailer (because I'm addicted to them at the moment) and maybe a blog tour.
And if you do decide to do a blog tour, count my blog in. (I guess that's a huge surprise). I know a lot of the same people visit our blogs but I also have a livejournal account which has the same posts as my blogger blog, but different friends.
Okay, since Cate mentioned it...a book trailer would be great.
Horror Girl--Thanks for stopping by! I need to be more active about visiting new people's blogs, especially people who know the people I know. :)
Aaron--I think so too! And it's bright yellow!
Cate--Ooh, a book trailer! I was thinking about messing around making one for fun after I saw your blog the other day. Now I have a real reason to! The blog tour is an excellent idea too, although I'm such a small fry I don't know how many folks would be interested.
Aaron again--I'll definitely start work on a book trailer, then. I suspect it's a lot harder than it seems.
Congratulations! Way cool. I tend to buy more books from word of mouth and blurbs than anything else.
Word of mouth is good, if you've got people you know have the same taste as you in books. I generally trust one of my cousins, and...well, he's about it for my personal word of mouth recommendations. :)
That's awesome! Congrats!
Thanks! I think it's pretty awesome too. :)
I plan on sending you my copy so you can sign it! :)
lol! My signature will be worth whole pennies in The Future!
Blurb! Want to hear the blurb on the back. Come on...
It's just an excerpt. I have a blurb up on my website, though. :)
Also, happy birthday and your present will be late because Amazon's taking its sweet time shipping it.
I'm happy to review any books up and coming authors are willing to send to me - especially if they sign them...
Just saw this over at Murderby4 and thought of you:
Oh, cool, that's a great article! I bookmarked it, thanks.
I'm going to have to put everyone's name in a hat and draw a few out to give review copies to. Or I could do a contest or something!
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