"Sometimes you can learn more about a person by what they don’t tell you. Sometimes you can learn a lot from the things they just make up. If you are tagged with this Meme, lie to me. Then tag 7 other folks (one for each deadly sin) and hope they can lie."
Pride: What is your biggest contribution to the world?
When I was only four years old, I invented Beethoven. I was something of a prodigy-prodigy.
Envy: What do your coworkers wish they had which is yours?
My salary. Because I am the dean of, um, the math department, oh yes.
Gluttony: What did you eat last night?
Las Vegas. Raw.
Lust: What really lights your fire?
Las Vegas. Raw.
Anger: What is the last thing that really pissed you off?
Angry? I am never angry. I am eternally serene.
Greed: Name something you keep from others.
Fort Knox. It's in my basement. Sometimes I go down and polish the gold.
Sloth: What's the laziest thing you've ever done?
Las Vegas. Raw.

I tag Jeremy D. Brooks because maybe he'll update his blog if I tag him, and, um, Alan W. Davidson because I don't think anyone's tagged him with this one yet. And five other people who want to do it.
Hey, spit Vegas back up.
Off to start digging a tunnel that leads to Kate's house so that I can steal some of her shiny gold.
The gold is guarded by trolls. So bring troll-repellent.
Damn, and I was planning on visiting Vegas one of these years.
Okay...you can have Vegas, but Lake Tahoe is off limits, got it?
Jamie--Sorry, there's nothing left in Vegas now but steaming ruins and a giant fork.
Aaron--But I'm so thirsty after Vegas!
That's a lot of raw Vegas, KC...perhaps too much for one woman to handle. It appears that I got simultaneous taggings from Natalie and yourself (he, he, he...needless to say, that doesn't happen very ofter...)
I will put on my funny hat and reveal my true nature as a compulsive liar.
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