Thursday, June 11, 2009

Books! More books! More!

I got my Amazon order today--well, except for one book shipped separately that the idiots at the post office seem to have lost. I look forward to tearing into someone over this tomorrow; me and the local post office flunkies are not friends.

But I got books today! Eight books, two of which are gifts: one for my brother, another for my nephew, but the rest are mine, mine, mine! Here's what I have stacked next to the bed now:

Murder on Astor Place by Victoria Thompson
Living with Ghosts by Kari Sperring
Heartwood by Barbara Campbell
The Automatic Detective by A. Lee Martinez
The Mislaid Magician by Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer
Foundling by D.M. Cornish

I think I'm going to start with Foundling. If you've read it and it sucks, please don't tell me until, um, Monday. I should have it finished by then.


Aaron Polson said...

I love Amazon orders! I'm such a junkie for mail, and it's especially fun to receive books, music, videos, other great A-Z gadgets! Enjoy the new material.

Jameson T. Caine said...

Yay for books! I love books and DVD's. I can go absolute bonkers buying them. They're like certain snacks - you just can't stop at one. Well, at least I can't. My wife rolls her eyes and guards the credit cards when we're around book stores.

Jamie Eyberg said...

Something about the smiley face on the package that makes me excited.

BT said...

Not fair - I've got to wait until July befoe my Amazon order gets here, and I ordered it wekks ago


Living in Australia sucks sometimes - not often, but sometimes...

I hope you really enjoy the reading and learn lots from the hours of research you have ahead of you.


K.C. Shaw said...

Aaron--Me too. I get so excited when I get that yellow "you've got a package" slip in my mailbox. :)

Jameson--I haven't been buying many DVDs lately, but tons of books. Hmm, maybe I should finish reading what's already on the shelf before I read the new ones. Nah.

Jamie--They have smiley faces? I never noticed. Maybe they only put smiley faces on your packages.

BT--July, dang! What, do they send it by humpback whale migration route?

Anonymous said...

Man its been a while since I've placed an order. What a great feeling. Interesting stack of books you have there.

word verification: frubcat

K.C. Shaw said...

Frubcats are the uncool siblings to hepcats.

Cate Gardner said...

I have one book on order from Amazon that I'm waiting for. One book. That just isn't enough. Enjoy.

K.C. Shaw said...

I think you should order a bunch more books. :)